Obviously the case you've mentioned is an exception. The basis of this position will be Hebre 10: 23-27, i.e., a "willfull" sin.
i have a strong reason to believe that the change that will be announced in next few days among jehovah's witnesses will bring a major "refining" work among its members.
take a note of this:
if are not regular in meetings and service of field than you're signalling that you're no longer a jehovah's witness.
Obviously the case you've mentioned is an exception. The basis of this position will be Hebre 10: 23-27, i.e., a "willfull" sin.
i have a strong reason to believe that the change that will be announced in next few days among jehovah's witnesses will bring a major "refining" work among its members.
take a note of this:
if are not regular in meetings and service of field than you're signalling that you're no longer a jehovah's witness.
You're correct, it can well be a thread only. Anyway, what I am referring here is not the inactive ones but the so-called irregulars, people that go not so often to meetings due to its job, lack of interest, or something else, in sum people that are irregular.
My information come from:
(1) An elder from Bethel (former bethel elder) in Brazil that was recently in my congregation have related some meeting where this point has been discussed, he have said that a biblical basis for this was in Hebrew 10, since just after it mentioned the need of meeting it is mentioned the case of "willfull sin":
"Hebrew 10: 24 And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, 25 not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near. For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, 27 but [there is] a certain fearful expectation of judgment and [there is] a fiery jealousy that is going to consume those in opposition.2 8 Any man that has disregarded the law of Moses dies without compassion, upon the testimony of two or three. 29 O f how much more severe a punishment, do YOU think, will the man be counted worthy who has trampled upon the Son of God and who has esteemed as of ordinary value the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and who has outraged the spirit of undeserved kindness with contempt? 30 For we know him that said: “Vengeance is mine; I will recompense”; and again: “Jehovah will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of [the] living God. " This brother even have quoted me a watchtower magazine (1983, I guess) that insinuate something like that. So in the same way that impurity has became officially a dfd offence, so will be a guy that willfully (i.e., due to its college, job, or anything else) miss the meetings. I don't know exactly what would be the case for inactives.
(2) Finally, my second source come from some elders I know in Sao Paulo that after an elder meeting in DC started with a similar talk. Maybe it was just a "non-credible threat" or a circulated opinion, but we can wait to see, I think that will be probably. Best regards,
i have a strong reason to believe that the change that will be announced in next few days among jehovah's witnesses will bring a major "refining" work among its members.
take a note of this:
if are not regular in meetings and service of field than you're signalling that you're no longer a jehovah's witness.
Hello again,
I understand that some may disagree, but let join the pieces here:
(1) Jaracz, that according to some is a hardliner, is old (and perhaps senile) and also is the most senior and influent member of Governing body.
(2) New governing body member will in thesis agree with suggested policies of this old guy, appointed as the main responsible of some harsh policies among witnesses.
(3) Numbers are slowing, they need to assure commitment.
What is the next step? The next step will be a more radical move, in my opinion. Some Circuit overseer I know have even suggested this kind of policy some years ago, that would be a “refining” step, similar of what has happened in organization when elected elders were fired or when preaching work was “emphasized” (i.e., “just do it or you’re out!”).
i have a strong reason to believe that the change that will be announced in next few days among jehovah's witnesses will bring a major "refining" work among its members.
take a note of this:
if are not regular in meetings and service of field than you're signalling that you're no longer a jehovah's witness.
Hello all,
I have a strong reason to believe that the change that will be announced in next few days among Jehovah's witnesses will bring a major "refining" work among its members.
Take a note of this:
If are not regular in meetings and service of field than you're signalling that you're no longer a Jehovah's witness.
My only doubt regards this announcement has to do with deadlines to implement this change or if it will bring an offense for disfellowshippment or dissociation, but everybody know that it will have the same effect for witnesses (but not for liabilities).
I will explain latter others reasons why I believe so.
Best regards,
Pele (better than Maradona and Zidane together)
i'm too lazy to search out the earlier thread asking if j. cano, the alleged bethel pedophile, had ever had his photo in either a wt or awake!
i was sorting through some magazines, and was struck by this cover pic which looks a lot like him:.
Hello all,
If this pix is him, I believe it sounds ironical once Cano will have all his tax back since government will "sustain" him im prison.
In other hand, look, he will pay no tax anymore (except some sexual favours to the big violent guys in his future showers seasons) .
well being from scotland i can't support england .
who are you supporting and apologies to anyone not interested in the wc.
Hello Brutus!
Brazil sure! I hope Canarino selection win!
Best regards!
i thought this was an interesting research piece, from towerwatcher: holocaust survivors ripped-off by watchtower governing body!
so, whatever happened to all of that swiss government allocated money for the jehovah's witness holocaust survivor fund anyway?
while some good may have come from the provisions of the watchtower society's holocaust survivor fund, one must also question as to why other organizations would be assisting jehovah's witness survivors, when that responsibility rests on the shoulders of the "faithful slave!
Hello Randy,
Except if this is a consolidated Financial report, I believe that maybe there is a little mistake in your post.
There were few modifications in Watchtower structure these years that divided its duties among three different corporation. If I am not mistaken donations are not through Wachtower Society anymore but throught a "Jehovah's witnesses order" or "Kingdom support", am I right?
According to your own site: http://www.watchtowernews.org/reorganization.htm
"(...) three new corporations have been formed:
1) Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, which will supervise
matters of a religious and educational nature. This includes organizing
the preaching work, holding conventions, etc. The directors and officers
of this corporation are primarily brothers who work closely with the
Service department in Patterson. Brother William Van de Wall is the
president of this corporation.
2) Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses, which cares for matters
pertaining to those in Special Full-Time service, including Bethelites,
Special Pioneers, Traveling Overseers, etc. Brother Patrick LaFranca is
the president of this corporation.
3) Kingdom Support Services, Inc., which handles design & engineering of
buildings and holds titles to vehicles used by the Society. "
Best regards,
every magazine on the news stand is very carefully aimed at a target market.. .
it has long been known that how information is presented makes a big difference to who will read it.
you will agree that the ny times or scientific american are more erudite than the national enquirer or the toronto star.. .
Hello all,
Maybe they are only trying follow a coherently a biblical principle in 1 Corithians 14:
" 9 In the same way also, unless YOU through the tongue utter speech easily understood, how will it be known what is being spoken? Y OU will, in fact, be speaking into the air. 10 It may be that there are so many kinds of speech sounds in the world, and yet no [kind] is without meaning. 11 If, then, I do not understand the force of the speech sound, I shall be a foreigner to the one speaking, and the one speaking will be a foreigner to me."
Some people say that a similar think could to be applied to new testament. It was not written in classical greek, but koine a not so good kind of greek. Try to use the same criteria in New testament, or perhaps comparing this with other greek classical test like Iliad or Odyssey...
Best regards,
history shows that philosophical thinking influenced theology and christendom doctrines development in many ways.
some people like 18th century historian edward gibbons see similarities in plato trinity and nicean creed.
others have seen for instance, in plato doctrine of ideas (that there is a perfect spiritual-like world where the ideal forms exists) or in soul immortality speculations a reference of some christians future hope to be in heaven and not in material world in earth.
Hi Peacefulpete,
Are saying the christianity are not divided ever since, can you elaborate this?
Best regards,
history shows that philosophical thinking influenced theology and christendom doctrines development in many ways.
some people like 18th century historian edward gibbons see similarities in plato trinity and nicean creed.
others have seen for instance, in plato doctrine of ideas (that there is a perfect spiritual-like world where the ideal forms exists) or in soul immortality speculations a reference of some christians future hope to be in heaven and not in material world in earth.
Wow Narkissos,
You're fluent, don't be offended but, you are a rare case for a french (they say that french don't spoke more than a language, as americans, often), congrats!
I know that some associate cynicism to Ecclesiastes. It was not Cynicism founded by I guy that lived naked in a isolated place (Diogenes), wich name has something to do with dog? I've always thought that it was to cynics that Rev. 22:15 was talking about...
I found interesting you views about that, but to be honest the Hebrews case sound more convincent for me, the Idea world of Plato are sometimes connected with the heavenly hope of christians.